Maia Financial partners with MedEarth to deliver medical equipment to developing countries
Repurposing medical equipment into 3rd world countries is the focus of Maia Financial’s partnership
with MedEarth. This initiative will see positive impacts on the environment and health standards in
developing nations.
Maia Financial made its first contribution in February 2019, delivering a Philips Duo Diagnostics XRay Room to MedEarth. This item has been earmarked to be placed in Quelicai, Timor Leste
(commonly known as East Timor), with shipping scheduled for September 2019. Although the system
had been used for 8 years, it still has capacity to be re-purposed with the potential to be used for
another 8-10 years.
Healthcare is the second largest contributor to landfill waste, following close behind the food industry.
Much of the medical equipment that ends up in landfill can be repurposed to aid communities in need.
In particular those in developing nations where millions of children die every year from preventable
illnesses due to the lack of proper medical equipment.

“When our client decided to upgrade from analog to digital technology, the MedEarth partnership
enabled Maia Financial with a unique opportunity to reduce delivery and disposal costs, protect the
environment from increasing dumping and provide a less fortunate community with proper medical
equipment” said Shaun Sergay, Asset Performance, Maia Financial.
The Timor Leste community is impoverished with a clear and significant need for medical resources.
“In our world, illness is universal but access to care is limited. That’s what we’re trying to make
inroads into,” said MedEarth co-founder Laura Taitz.
MedEarth is an Australian environmental charity that recovers used, quality hospital equipment for
redistribution to developing nations. Motivated by protecting the environment, MedEarth aims to
reduce the amount of unnecessary waste that ends up in landfill every year while simultaneously
increasing access to high-tech medical instruments in developing nations.
Maia Financial’s partnership with MedEarth aims to make a positive impact on the lives of many, as
well as the environment. Further, re-purposing unwanted equipment enables our clients to potentially
save on delivery and scrapping costs.
Discussions with MedEarth regarding the repurposing of an Endoscope Storage Cabinet is currently
For more information:
Dina Tinkler | Maia Financial
Mob 0415 711 533
About Maia Financial
Maia Financial ( is a leading, independent asset finance house with more
than 25 years’ experience. Its unique funds management model and pools of global capital allow Maia
Financial to own, fund and operate assets on and off the balance sheet for government, public and
private corporations. Maia Financial is part of Monash Private Capital Group, backed by KKR and
Highbridge Principal Strategies.