We’ve just donated 6 oxygen concentrators to St Joseph’s Provincial Hospital and Nursing School, Lumezi, East Zambia. These much needed concentrators will be primarily used for neonatal resuscitation, asthma & COVID-19 management, postoperative care to impact positively on the lives of the community in rural eastern Zambia.

St Joseph’s Provincial Hospital and Nursing School, Lumezi, East Zambia , the only hospital in the whole district, serves a population of over 170K. St Joseph College of Nursing & Midwifery currently provides professional training to 288 students. The number of students at the college has tripled since the opening in 2019. Health worker shortage in Zambia is one of the biggest problem as the country continues to have one of the fastest growing population in the world. Therefore, medical equipment and supplies are urgently needed to support the college, hospital and community. We are so grateful to Ashleigh Heydt for letting us know about this opportunity and to Dr Mark Hanley, senior lecturer & group tutor at School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame and GP at Top Health Medical Practice, for asking us to be part of this project. Many thanks to Dr Catherine Lennon who donated the concentrators to MedEarth