Shipment number 2 is on it’s way to Timor-Leste, the youngest and one of the poorest countries in Asia. We have sent vital medical supplies and equipment including Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) including gloves, masks, gowns and other PPE to Timor-Leste. With the help of our generous partners, MAFO (Barry Bradford and John MacPherson) who donated the thermometers and funded the air freight to Dili, we have been able to send these items as well as an additional 1000 masks, 500 donted by m.t.o Apparel & another 500 by Andy and Owen Nathan.
This donation of vital medical items desperately needed by Timor-Leste due to the covid-19 health crisis involved many generous partners… Stay tuned to hear about how MedEarth is donating 4 ventilators to Timor-Leste.Key to this project is the Goulburn-Quelicai Friendship (Maggie Patterson) and Malek Timor.